Stitt Goes for Olympic Gold, Tricky Dick McCormick Goes for the Whitewash

As Rutgers Alum Sam Stitt goes for Olympic gold, Tricky Dick McCormick is living down to his reputation in appointing a committee to “review intercollegiate athletics” at Rutgers.  “Whitewash” is the first word that comes to mind.  However, one has to wonder whether even the other Tricky Dick (Nixon) would have been foolish enough to appoint former university governor/chairman, Al Gamper, to co-chair a committee reviewing events of Mr. Gamper’s own board tenure.  Even the big audit firms can’t do that anymore.  

Where are Woodward & Bernstein when you need them most?  Has anyone researched what went on at CIT Group under Mr. Gamper’s watch?  Tricky Dick gave Mr. Gamper an honorary Rutgers’ doctorate last year – what’s he going to do for him this year – put him in the Hall of Not-So-Distinguished Alumni with such luminaries as Ron Giaconia and Wayne Bryant? 

In light of the State Commission of Investigation’s findings, in light of the side payments and other undisclosed deals for athletic staff and others, in light of the stadium financing debacle, in light of the ever increasing tuition and student fees, in light of the elimination of established and valuable programs, serious action must immedately be taken. 

The State Commission of Investigation’s recommendations must be implemented.  The “Rutgers Statute” must be significantly amended or eliminated to make Rutgers answerable to the people of New Jersey through the Legislature and Governor – after all, the people of New Jersey are paying for Rutgers with their taxes, tuition, fees, donations and football ticket purchases.  Rutgers must be brought into the fold of other New Jersey higher educational institutions.  Rutgers is unique, so is the College of New Jersesy, so is Stockton etc.  Uniqueness is no excuse for lack of accountability.  New Jersey residents cannot afford another UMDNJ disaster.

Hopefully respected members of the committee will enhance their reputations by doing what is necessary – those who have made Rutgers their private fiefdom while everyone else was watching football must be stopped.  If they are unable or unwilling to do this, they should resign their positions or risk being tarred with the whitewash brush.   

Andy Quinn in Lightweight Quad at Worlds

Andy Quinn (’02) will be representing the United States at the World Championships (July 22nd to 27th) in the lightweight men’s quad.  (click here for more info)

Two Rutgers Oarsmen Selected to Represent the U.S. in the U23 World Championships

Two Rutgers oarsmen have been selected to represent the U.S. in the Under 23 World Rowing Championships.  The Under 23 World Rowing Championships will be held in Brandenburg, Germany from July 17 to July 20.  Greg Yurkow will be rowing in the men’s 4+ and Skip Kielt will be rowing in the men’s lightweight pair. 

“Nothing will Change”: Nothing but a Lie

The lightweight program is gone, the heavyweight program is in shambles, “nothing has changed”… for one person…nothing will change until that one person has been changed.

IRA: Still Hard to Know Who’s Racing Who

Rutgers apparently did not field an eight.  Racing in the “College 4 with” Rutgers won the petite final and, in the varsity pair, finished 6th in the grand final.

MIT Saves the Day Again

17th place at the Sprints – unfortunately Rutgers did not capitalize on the opportunity to beat a weak Penn crew.

Rutgers Falls to Northeastern

Making it to the end of the season.

Rutgers Beats Dartmouth but falls to BU

Rutgers picks up its second win – all the more impressive as it’s rumored that Rutgers’ varsity eight may be as much as half lightweights left over from the defunct lightweight program.